Last semester, the RadMadLab was featured on PBS NewsHour! The segment highlights the lab’s overall mission, as well as some of our previous and current projects.
We leveraged this opportunity to share about the lab as both a physical and identity makerspace, in which those with disabilites are “tightly woven into the process of developing and designing and producing the tools that we use every day” (Josh Miele).
We hope that our feature will inspire other campuses to cultivate similar spaces in which disabled students and faculty can collaborate to solve access challenges through disability-centered design.
Projects and Team Members Feautured:
- Team SensAble
- Amaan Jogia-Sattar (@amaanjsattar)
- Anthony Zhou
- Karen Nakamura, Founder
- Nate Tilton, Associate Director (@nate.tilton)
- Skyler Bennett – Accessible oxygen filtration project (@skyler1307)
- Josh Miele, Adviser (@j.a.miele)

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